Download the free app today to start earning
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Spending cards


Earn seeds for over 50K everyday, climate-friendly purchases.
Two cards showing posts of Commons website


Earn seeds as you complete Commons' guided, practical actions.
Features commons app

COLLECt achievements

Rack up achievement badges as you build your sustainable lifestyle.
Three images with tree as background

earn with trusted offsets

Compensate for your emission with offsets.
Group of logos with flower in the background

shop with sustainable brands

Earn for every purchase from 500 trusted brands.
Two blocks showing spendings

feel good, live lighter

Earn as you align your money with your morals.


Check icon
Earn seeds for your sustainable lifestyle and climate-friendly purchases.
Check icon
Unlock rewards once you've collected 500 seeds.
Check icon
Redeem rewards for gift cards or fund climate solutions to grow your impact.


Five blue stars
“I made $55 in rewards just by using Commons and making sustainable choices. Becoming aware of which purchases made a more positive impact on the earth made me feel more empowered. Receiving money back was a bonus!”
— Kimberly F.
Five blue stars
“Commons helps me align my spending with my values. I can see the impact instantly when my footprint shrinks.”
— Sam G.
Five blue stars
“Commons has turned my climate anxiety and thinkwashing into manageable, meaningful, and actionable lifestyle changes that help me feel part of a communal effort treat our planet with more respect.”
— Amanda B.


Do my rewards expire?

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You can redeem your seeds as soon as they’re available, or save them up to redeem later. Rewards expire Dec 31, 2025.

Why didn’t I earn seeds for my climate-friendly purchase?

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Our algorithm identifies and awards seeds for purchases from thousands of climate-friendly brands. Climate-friendly brands are those that are in our Commons Brand Directory or fall into one of 18 subcategories including refill stores, vintage and thrift, public transit, farmers markets, camping & outdoors, bikes and scooters, plant-based eateries, EV charging, composting services, recycling services, climate donations, tailoring, solar panels, smart thermostats, renewable energy, refurbished tech, and digital subscriptions. We try to identify every climate-friendly purchase that we can, but sometimes our algorithm gets it wrong. If your purchase is in the wrong category, you can just tap it to update the category. Our team will periodically review any edited purchases for accuracy. If you have feedback, let us know!

How can I redeem my rewards?

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Redeem rewards for gift cards to partnering sustainable brands or use them to fund vetted climate solutions. If you redeem your rewards as a gift card, you'll receive an email with the redemption code for your selected brand. If you redeem your rewards for impact, you fund climate solutions with your rewards.

When can I redeem my rewards?

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Accumulate 500 seeds to unlock your rewards for redemption.

Why isn’t my sustainable purchase showing up as sustainable?

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We try to identify every sustainable purchase that we can, but sometimes our algorithm gets it wrong. If you believe you’ve made a purchase that should be counted as low-emissions by Commons, you can either recategorize the transaction or send us feedback about it. To edit a transaction, tap on any transaction from the Footprint tab to update the category. Our team will periodically review any edited purchases for accuracy.

Is it safe to connect Commons to my credit or debit card?

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We take data privacy and security very seriously. Commons uses best-in-class, bank-level security and does not save any sensitive information on our servers. Commons uses Plaid to connect to your card(s). Plaid is an API trusted by financial companies like Venmo, Mint, and Paypal for its high security and banking support. When you connect your card(s) to Commons using Plaid, we cannot (and will not) charge your account, withdraw money, or create a transaction on the account in any way. We never sell your data. Read more in our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

Why do I have to connect my card?

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Everything we buy requires energy and resources to produce, and our spending is one of the most accurate indicators of our emissions. When you connect a card, you’ll get the real-time footprint of your purchases and start earning for climate-friendly purchases. For the most accurate footprint and the most opportunities to earn, connect all the credit or debit cards you spend money on. There is no fee for connecting cards.

How do I start earning rewards?

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Earn rewards as you build your sustainable lifestyle in Commons. You’ll earn for every climate-friendly purchase, completed climate action, achievement badge, and other milestones in your sustainability journey.

What counts as a sustainable purchase?

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Commons determines a company’s sustainability based on its capacity to measurably lower global emissions. Earn rewards for purchases at inherently low-carbon companies (like public transit or thrift stores) or Climate Neutral Certified companies. You’ll see sustainable purchases highlighted in blue on your Footprint tab.