Commons Offset Portfolio: Delta Blue Carbon

About Delta Blue Carbon
Project Location: Pakistan
Offset Type: Mangroves
Duration: 60 years
Delta Blue Carbon Project-1 is a mangrove restoration project in the Indus River delta in Pakistan, where the river flows into the Arabian Sea. This area has experienced increased degradation over the past several decades. It is a collaboration between the local government of the Sindh Province and Indus Delta Capital — the world’s largest developer of blue carbon projects.
Why mangroves?
Marine and coastal ecosystems can store up to five times more carbon (referred to as “blue carbon”) than land-based forests. Climate nonprofit Project Drawdown estimates that coastal wetland protection and restoration efforts can store up to 2.6 gigatons more of carbon emissions by 2050.
Carbon Offset Evaluation
Successful nature-based carbon projects address community needs and prioritize community engagement throughout the project's life. We chose Delta Blue Carbon Project-1 because of its demonstrated track record of mangrove restoration and its partnership with communities and government.
Since 2015, the project has worked with local communities to regenerate and protect 350,000 hectares of degraded mangroves and coastal wetlands. As of 2020, it has successfully restored 75,000 hectares, demonstrating significant progress against its goal.
Delta Blue Carbon also works closely with the government and local communities to create jobs, support training and schooling, and build local infrastructure to support community needs.
See Delta Blue Carbon’s project documentation →
Commons Community Impact
Commons onboarded Delta Blue Carbon to our Offset Portfolio in January 2024, enabling our community to help fund conservation efforts that help preserve and restore this coastal ecosystem.
Although blue carbon projects are tremendously effective ways to absorb carbon and benefit local communities, comparatively few blue carbon projects are currently operating. Our demand for new projects, alongside that of other buyers, can demonstrate support for blue carbon projects, potentially inspiring new ones.
Commons Offset Portfolio
Supporting carbon offsets can be a powerful way to invest in green technologies and protect natural ecosystems. But they aren’t a silver bullet – each project has a unique set of risks.
With the Commons Offset Portfolio, we do the work to maximize your impact. Just as you wouldn’t put all your money into one stock – we don’t put all your dollars into a single offset project.
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