How to Shop at a Zero-Waste Refill Store

Refill stores are a fantastic way to cut down on plastic waste. From flour, coffee, and nuts to soaps and detergents, you can find everything you need in these zero-waste stores.

All you need to do is bring your clean containers and fill them with cleaning products, personal care items, and groceries. Shopping at these stores is slightly different from shopping at traditional supermarkets.

If you're new to refill stores, you might be wondering: What containers should I bring? How does the weighing and pricing work? Are the products of good quality?

Here are some tips to make your refill store experience more pleasant:

Before you go to a refill store

You can make your trip to a refill store more efficient by doing some homework. Start by identifying single-use plastic items you frequently use. These guides can help:

Remember, replacing all the plastic in your home can't be done in one trip. Be gentle with yourself and focus on progress rather than perfection.


When you are at the refill store

Once you are at the refill store with your containers, you have to weigh the empty containers before you start filling them. You'll need to attach either a printed tag or a handwritten label to the container, indicating its weight. The weight of the containers would be deducted from the total weight at the time of billing.

For liquids in some stores, you'll need to follow a similar process to determine the volume of your container.

If you're unsure how to proceed, don't hesitate to ask the staff for help. The employees at most refill stores are equally passionate about reducing waste and are eager to assist. They can guide you on using the right containers for different product types.

Pricing at zero-waste stores operates slightly differently. Next to each product, you'll find prices listed per unit, such as $0.30/fl oz or $0.06/oz. While similar pricing is displayed on supermarket shelves, we often overlook it there.

When you return home, we suggest taking some time to do an apples-to-apples comparison to see how these products' prices compare to those in supermarkets.

While refill store products might be slightly more expensive, it's important to understand why. These products are often sourced from companies that prioritize lower environmental and climate impact, as well as ethical labor practices. This commitment to sustainability and fair labor can contribute to a higher price point, but it also aligns with the values of reducing waste and supporting responsible businesses.

If the price difference is huge and you cannot afford some products from the refill stores, you could skip them on your next trip. Remember, progress over perfection.

Visiting refill stores promotes more mindful consumption. These trips encourage you to reevaluate your purchasing habits and consider the packaging waste generated during typical supermarket visits. You'll likely notice a significant reduction in trash after shopping at a refill store.

Here are some of our favorite refill stores:


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