51 Popular Fast Fashion Brands to Avoid

Fast fashion brands are in a rush to sell as many clothes as possible, and they cut every corner to get there. They're cheap, but that low cost often comes at a price.
There are many traits of fast fashion brands: excessive production, poor labor practices, heavy use of synthetics, and marketing tactics that fuel overconsumption.
We’ve identified 51 fast fashion brands with some of the worst production practices. These brands depend on overconsumption and trend-driven styles to get you to buy as much as possible, at the cost of the environment, and often, exploitative labor practices.
Here are some other fast fashion companies that you should avoid:
Here are some of the guides that can help you move to sustainable clothing:
- How to Choose Sustainable Clothing
- Natural Alternatives to Synthetic Fabrics
- Secondhand vs Rental: Which Clothes are Most Sustainable?
- The Basics of Mending Your Clothes
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